Tuesday, September 16, 2014

First Call for Cedar Creek

150th Anniversary of the Battle of Cedar Creek Reenactment
Middletown, VA
October 15th - 20th, 2014

We hope this finds you and your commands well. It is that time of year for the Cedar Creek prep. This will be your first call for that event. Please send your unit's intentions as well as the following information:

# of Officers (by Rank)
# of NCOs
# of Enlisted
# of Civilians (if any)
# of tentage (estimated)


If you are a 1st Battalion unit, please email this information to Maj. Mike Murphy at ltmurph54th@yahoo.com and CC Capt. Sheville at aurabesh@gmail.com.

If you are a 2nd Battalion unit, please email this information to Lt. Trent Boham at boham.trent@gmail.com.

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