Tuesday, December 20, 2011

105th Pennsylvania holds winter encampment

The 105th PVI will be holding their annual Winter Encampment at their Headquarters in Perryopolis, PA on the 18-19 of February. They would like to extend the invite to any unit or member of any unit to join in this year for the drill weekend. This drill weekend will be conducted in full military fashion. All are welcome. Here is a little info of what you can expect: Drill (military maneuvers), post 24 hour pickets, patrols, establish outposts, build defenses, tactical skirmish with the enemy, recon on enemy position, we do not know when the enemy is going to attack.

Again ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND. If you are interested in attending or would like more information, please email 1st Sgt Jeremy Koch at 105thpa@gmail.com.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Register for Burton 2012

Need to register for the 2012 Civil War event in Burton? Go to http://geaugahistorical.org/events and click on "registration form" under the Civil War Reenactment section.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Ohio Regimental Military Ball

Saturday, February 18, 2012 at 2:00pm
McKinley Grand Hotel
320 Market Ave South, Canton, OH
Time to make your reservations for this year's great event! $35.00 per person post marked by January 4th 2012. $39.00 per person postmarked after January 4th but before February 8th 2012. The hotel is also offering discounted rooms as $82.00 per night plus tax. We have afternoon activities, sutlers, photographer, social hour, dance lessons, cash bar, dinner and dancing with the Anonymous String Band. Please visit the website at http://www.ormb.com/ for registration forms . We accept PAYPAL

Thursday, December 01, 2011

2012 Birney's Division schedule of events

The 2011 Birney's Division Annual Meeting was held in Gettysburg on November 18th at the Gettysburg Fire House. Many units had representatives in attendance and Division staff members were on hand to lead the discussion and provide information.

One item of discussion is the 150th Antietam Anniversary. As some of you know, there are two different events next year in September. It was decided that a decision would be made in January and news will be posted here.

For a complete list of Birney's Division 2012 Civil War events, go to http://www.birneysdivision.org and click on the EVENT SCHEDULE tab.