Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How to get news and information from Birney's Division HQ

As we get ready to hold our annual meeting, this is a reminder to everyone that receiving news from the organization is very important. Throughout the year, we distribute a variety of detailed information. Some of it on specific events, but other information is for ALL members.

We have a number of streams where you can receive information and updates. We HIGHLY suggest that every member subscribes to the Yahoo Group email. This distributes emails from the staff to all members who subscribe. This is for EVERYONE and not just company commanders. To Subscribe, click on this link and carefully read the instructions. You DON”T have to have a Yahoo user name to receive the emails.

Here are several other places to find Birney’s Division updates: (Schedule and News pages)

2013 is going to be an important year with the 150th Gettysburg. Don’t get left in the dark! Please pass this on to other members of your unit who may not be on the Yahoo Group Email.

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